Preparing for a move involves many details, and it’s easy to overlook the refrigerator. However, with some planning and a few steps, you can get your fridge ready for moving day without feeling overwhelmed.

Here are some tips for preparing your refrigerator for the move.

  1. Purge and distribute: Start by getting rid of expired food and unused condiments. Make a list of what you have left and decide what to finish off, pack, or throw away. Avoid buying new items and get creative with using up what you have. If you’re hiring a moving company, check their guidelines for which foods can be brought along.
  2. Give away leftovers: Anything that’s left over, including leftovers, should be given away or tossed. Neighbors or family members might enjoy fresh produce or frozen treats you won’t use. Consider donating non-perishable items to your local food bank or through organizations like Move For Hunger.
  3. Get your fridge clean: Even if your fridge looks clean with less in it, it still needs thorough cleaning before moving. Older or cheaper models may require defrosting. Empty the fridge completely and scrub everything, paying attention to rubber gaskets, hardware, corners, and crevices. Leave the doors open to let moisture evaporate and give the fridge at least 24 hours to dry out.
  4. Measure and move: Before attempting to move the fridge, ensure it can be taken out of the kitchen. Measure the appliance’s height, width, and depth, as well as the dimensions of doorways, hallways, stairwells, and other openings it needs to pass through. Secure the refrigerator doors to prevent accidents. Use felt furniture slider pads for floor protection and consider using an appliance dolly for easier rolling. Remember that the fridge should always be transported in an upright position.

If you choose a national mover like Mayflower, they can take care of many of these details for you. Mayflower offers customizable full-service moving packages that include packing, loading, transportation, and unloading.

No matter where you are in the moving process, Mayflower is there to support you. For more tips and advice, check out our other blogs for city guides, decorating ideas, and helpful information. Don’t forget to check out Mayflower’s Spotify channel for music to accompany your move and settling into your new place in style.

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